
Blush blush tv tropes
Blush blush tv tropes

blush blush tv tropes

It especially isn't helped by her deciding to talk to him by standing right in front of him.

  • In Breath of Fire III, Silent Protagonist Ryu's whole face turns a bright red and he tries to look to the side when Bleu awakens.
  • Interjecting a quiet and quick "Is it getting hot in here?" is shorthand for blushing in both Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age II.
  • Valkyria Chronicles is an anime-styled Japanese RPG which features a romance subplot the blush is a must.
  • Then, when Sheba teases her again, it's not just her face that turns red, it's also her hair and clothes.
  • In one scene in The Lost Age, when Sheba is teasing Jenna about her and Isaac being "an item", Jenna first flushes as normal (i.e.
  • In Golden Sun, due to the small screen size, characters' entire faces turn beet-red.
  • Most notably, Akihiko's and Ken's cuteness appeal turns Up to Eleven.


    Same thing with the guys in Portable when playing as the Female MC.Happens in Persona 3 in conversations with many female characters.Unlike Kasuga, she merely goes into soliloquies rather than swooning. New character Tsuruhime also goes bright pink whenever her "saviour" Fuuma is around, complete with Love Bubbles.The anime once again takes one of its source tropes Up to Eleven: In it, Kasuga basically climaxes if Kenshin touches her.

    blush blush tv tropes

    This gets even worse if Kenshin is about to embrace her, which he does often. She has her priorities straight, but if Uesugi Kenshin is nearby, or complimenting her, she goes completely dazed, blushing and swooning hard with this trope painted on her face. Taken to extremes in Sengoku Basara in the form of Kasuga (AKA Venus in Devil Kings).Characters in Tales of Phantasia had whole faces turn red when they blush.Actual facial blushes were more of a Dawn of the New World thing, especially in the c-skits (Emil blushes a lot.).In the Tales Series, although not shown on characters' faces, blushes show on their speech balloons as red slashes.A luminescent blush blinks on and off her face. One rather off-putting moment in Shadow Hearts: Covenant comes at the Fountain of Sukune, when Saki asks Karin if she has feelings for Yuri.

    Blush blush tv tropes